photo: Black Knight International
Mr. Player believes that the future of fitness lies in what people eat much more than how active they are.
"Nutritionists will be the new trainers. Diet is 70% of the fitness puzzle," Player says.
For the last six years, Mr. Player has followed a mostly vegetarian diet. He says he has much more energy since he's cut out meat.
"I need less sleep, my cholesterol is lower, and my stomach works way better, if you understand what I am saying," he says.
His weight has been consistent, averaging 155 pounds when he was in his prime playing days.
He's now 144 pounds.
"You need to be thinner as you get older. Though most of my friends seem to follow the opposite philosophy," he says.
-excerpted from "What's Your Workout. A Golf Great Works to Stay Fit, Well Over 50," by Jen Murphy, Wall Street Journal, August 2, 2011-
Gary Player is the new poster child for how to stay-fit-and-healthy after 70! What an inspiration. I had no idea. Not to mention how good he looks!
I highly recommend reading the entire WSJ article. Player's now 75--and he has some wise advice to share about how to stay healthy as we get older.
JB, a blog reader, clued me into the "What's Your Workout" story about Player that appeared in today's Wall Street Journal, August 2, 2011. Thank you!
Before I had I chance to look at it myself, I sent it right on to my husband--an avid golfer. I knew he'd appreciate it. He read it immediately.
"I can't believe that article about Player. What an inspiration he is! Do you believe his workout? A 100 pound weight on this chest while doing situps?
I even printed it out, so I could look at it more closely. He's one smart guy--and he even meditates."
Here's Just a Taste of What Goes Into Player's Workout
- 1,000 sit ups & push ups every morning
- An hour of exercise, five or six days a week, including stretching & cardio
- Stair-climbing, jogging on a treadmill
- Swimminng
- Strength workout that includes squats, lunges, free weights, & a stability ball workout
- 20-30 minutes of meditation daily
- Oh my!
photo: Black Knight International
1,000 Sit-Ups with a 100 Pound Weight on His Chest
Two Short Articles You Might Want to See
"Breaking Bread Everywhere, Plentifully or Pitifully" by Tara Parker-Pope, New York Times, August 1, 2011
Take a peek into the pantries of 15 people from around the world to see what everyone else is eating--complete with the calorie counts. The photos come from Peter Menzel's & Faith D'Alusio's book, “What I Eat: Around the World in 80 Diets".
This is a fascinating photo essay, based on the current exhibit now showing in the Museum of Science in Boston.
And here's what I ate on July 4, 2010! Complete with the calorie count!
Ahmed Ahmed Swaid, 50, sells qat (a stimulating plant leaf that is chewed) in Sanaa, Yemen, pictured here with dishes of fava beans, minced meat, lamb and saltah (a stew with beef and eggplant). Estimated calories pictured: 3,300.
And don't miss this one!
"Ancient Moves for Orthopedic Problems," by Jane Brody, New York Times, August 1, 2011.
Yoga therapy for pain relief, and to prevent surgery. "It pays to know about methods of prevention and treatment for orthopedic problems that are low-cost and rely almost entirely on self-care." Remember Dr. Loren Fishman's study to increase bone-density with yoga? Here he is in the New York Times.
Okay, you have the 75-year-old guy who provides inspiration. Now, here's the 74- year-old woman who will provide the same ... enjoy.
Posted by: Ken Leebow | August 03, 2011 at 10:04 AM
Given his sense that 'Diet is 70% of the fitness puzzle' I'd love to know more about Gary Player's 'mostly vegetarian diet'.
Posted by: Chris G. | August 03, 2011 at 11:16 AM
Thanks for providing this inspirational link! I watched from your site 2 days ago & loved it! Incredible!
Hey, you're absolutely right Chris. We do need to know more about Player's diet. I'll see if I can find out. Did you catch his comment that it's beneficial to weigh less as we get older? Interesting.
Posted by: The Healthy Librarian | August 03, 2011 at 11:24 AM
Very interesting stuff about the day's worth of food from around the world. No where did I see as many veggies as I eat in a typical day trying to follow Dr. Fuhrman's Eat to Live. Interesting . . .
Posted by: Wendy (Healthy Girl) | August 03, 2011 at 12:30 PM