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October 04, 2011



Great post! I would have loved to have celebrated the holidays with other plant-strong folk, but, it's not in my cards right now as my local family consists of almost no plant-strong peeps. It's actually mildly uncomfortable for me, because celebrating a holiday with food that I have negative feelings for puts somewhat of a damper on the whole experience. I know, I know, I try to remind myself that it's the family and not the food that is the truly important thing here, but I am kinda sad. There's always another holiday around the corner (Shabbat) that I can make plant-strong. I've just gotta navigate my way through and then host another Plant-strong pot luck!

Mary in southern Vermont

I'm glad you took your turn at being thoughtless, etc., so I didn't have to do it all. Seriously, though, this blog has been a huge gift to its readers, so put that on the positive side of the ledger. I've gotten a lot of information and changed some of my ways. Thanks, and Happy New Year!


Gulp. I have a lump in my throat.
Miss you so very much, especially after reading this.

You are none of those things you mention: selfish, aloof, bla bla bla..... Not even a little bit.

Also love your decorations on your RH lunch table.


Amen to Franny's post.


Thank you so much for posting this. The rice dish looks amazing and the soup dishes make me want soup right now- at 9am. We often do forget the important things in life, and need to be reminded by things like this post. Thanks for that!


Uplifting and educational post.
I tried "Spicy African Sweet Potato, Red Lentil, Chickpea Soup". Very good. A creative way to use sweet potatoes. The "Mushroom Barley Soup" looks amazing. It's next on my list. Most of the recipes I try make way too much, so I save my old glass peanut butter jars, divide it up, & freeze. One recipe keeps me set for 1 or 2 weeks. I usually cook 1 meat dish for hubby & 1 veggie dish for me. I only put a small amt of meat in the dish & load up on beans & veggies. Nov to Jan 5 is the hardest time of the year if you aren't a spender on stuff or eater. I think I'm going to really concentrate on learning new vegan recipes during this season & volunteering.


I made the mushroom barley soup and it is very good. It's a nice change from vegetable and/or bean soup. I like the spicy african peanut stew, too, but it's too sweet for my hubby. I have printed out more recipes so will comment as I get to them.

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