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November 10, 2011



Wow, wonderful pictures. What foodie wouldn't find something delicious amongst such a buffet? Who said 'healthy food can't be delicious'? The ignorant! I could eat such food everyday of the week - come to think of it I do already!

Thanks and Cheers,



Sp glad you had a nice time at the pot-luck. I always love seeing you and wish we could have talked! Well, I guess that means I need to schedule another pot luck, but with less people!

Fat Fudge

Is the recipe available for the chocolate cake?

Sue in Denver

I am so excited to hear that you are going to try and re-create the Field Roast sausages! I was a big fan of them before going oil-free. Please keep us posted. I am on a personal mission to create a delicious vegan burger with no nuts or oil. Thank you so much for your wonderful blog. I discovered you shortly after adopting the Esselstyn way of eating and have since gone back and read every post since you also went oil-free. Your blog inspires and motivates me and I appreciate the time and effort you dedicate to it!

Chris G.

The results of those two vitamin D studies look extremely encouraging. Now there's one vitamin to not scale back on!

Joanne M

The cookbook "Vegan Brunch" by Isa Chandra Moskowitz has recipes for three types of vegan sausages: cherry sage, chorizo, and Italian. Each recipe calls for only one tablespoon of olive oil. I have made all three and they are very easy to make and delicious. These recipes would be an excellent place to start on your quest for the perfect no-fat sausage.

What might be good a replacement for the oil? A pured vegetable of some kind? Cooking water from chickpeas, which is rather gelatinous when cooled? Maybe just more vegetable broth, which is already one of the ingredients.

The Healthy Librarian

Thanks, Peter. I agree. No foodie would have been unsatisfied at this potluck.

I agree, Wendy! But, it's my turn to host the next potluck.

Fat fudge: Chef AJ says the recipe for the German Chocolate Cake will be in her upcoming plant-based desserts cookbook. But, I did get the recipe for her "Decadent Chocolate Mousse" that is the cake's filling. I couldn't find a link to it online--I'll check with Chef AJ to see if I can share it--or she can provide the link.

Sue in Denver--thank you so much for your positive feedback. Let us know when you perfect that delicious vegan burger.

Joanne M: We're on the same wavelength--I planned to use Isa's recipe for the Italian Sausage as my template. I've made them before, and liked them--but of course, I'm lazy, and picking up Field Roast is so much easier. Thanks for the suggestions for the oil replacements.

Chris G: I agree Chris. I've rarely heard bad news with D (even the supplements), unlike with A, E, selenium, & multis--and these 2 studies are pretty exciting.

Happy Rehab Doc

Chris G & HL- I'm just in the final stages of submitting a study on Vitamin D for publication with some colleagues. I'll give you a quick preview that an extensive review of the literature demonstrates you can use Vitamin D to help prevent falls in patients over the age of 65. Goal treatment dose of 2000 IU per day which is about double the IOM recommendations for that age group.

The only issue is that many clinicians don't pre-screen people for hypercalcemia (elevated calcium), kidney disease or digestive disorders such as Crohn's disease, celiac & IBS. Hypercalcemia is important because the majority of toxicity cases were in these patients & they should not be given Vitamin D!

Kidney disease and digestive diseases are important because Vitamin D is not being absorbed or managed properly in these cases. If patients have kidney disease--even mild insufficiency, the research shows that they shouldn't be taking regular Vitamin D3 but rather "calcitriol" (the activated form of Vit D). If they have digestive disorders, their absorption of the vitamin will only occur with elimination of noxious (bad) stimuli (such as gluten in celiac disease). Very interesting stuff!! Just keep that in mind when you look at the Vitamin D. And there are toxic doses, most studies of adverse effects don't recommend consumption beyond 4000IU daily.

Hope this helps! Of course I end this with saying--please read my medical disclaimer on my blog. I am not your doctor and this is not medical advice! Thanks!:-)


Someone has already made a copy cat recipe of the apple sage sausage. You'll need to modify it a bit, though, to fit your nutrition guidelines:

The Healthy Librarian

Molly Jade,

I love you!!! I can't thank you enough. This looks right on! And basically, it's a good template for the Italian version, too! Funny--I just bought 3 boxes of vital wheat gluten this morning to make more of that BBQ Seitan Brisket--so I'm ready to try my hand at the Apple Sage sausages next. Hey, have you stopped blogging? Haven't seen one of your posts for months now.

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