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November 23, 2011



I am grateful for your blog and your sincere desire for everyone to eat a plant-based diet for health. My husband's family has a history of heart disease, his dad died at the age of 40, high cholesterol runs deep. I'm completely on board with what Esselstyn, Barnard & Campbell advise. However, it's been a struggle to get my husband to agree that plant-based living is feasible each and every day. Until yesterday. While driving home, my husband tuned in to the Trivosanno radio show...the Kucinich's were interviewing Esselstyn, Campbell, and Barnard. Finally, the message resonated with my husband, he's going plant-based. I am grateful!

The Healthy Librarian

Val, this is incredible!!

I cannot believe that Esselstyn, Barnard, & Campbell were interviewed on Trivosanno's radio show. Makes sense that Kucinich was the interviewer, tho. BTW---my husband also listens to Triv's show!

In fact--he flips from Triv to NPR! I just read him your comment & he said Triv has lost about 60 pounds. Wonder if he's on the diet??

Also, your soup came out perfectly--for me & everyone else who has tried it--that I've heard from.

I'm so happy to hear that your husband now "gets it"--and maybe a lot of other folks too--just because they heard the message on the most unlikely source of all--AM Radio's Mike Trivosanno Show


Hello! thanks for this post. I now have the strength and determination to help me through Thanksgiving Day with my husband's family.

Have a great Thanksgiving with your family.


I agree with @Penny. Just reading this post has given me a better attitude about my father in law's visit. He did, after all, help create my fabulous husband! Thank you, as always!

Happy Rehab Doc

Ok I absolutely LOVED the Howard White piece--I listened to it (love the fact that thanks to the wonderful NPR we can actually hear the writer's voice:-)) Very moving & something I learned early on in my training--the idea of me "building a team" begins with me knowing who I work with!

None of this walk up and start asking questions--from what I have observed the best docs introduce themselves to each person they speak with (with a handshake and a smile, just like in the outside world). They know the housekeeper, the dietary staff, the nurses & the administrative assistants names & a little bit about each of their families (whether dogs or kids):-) As Mr. White says--acknowledging someone is validation that they matter: they exist and you see them. And on bad days, there is nothing like having the lady who delivers trays (and has done so for 50 years at my hospital) give me a warm smile & ask me how my husband is doing. If you are willing to reach out, people return the favor to you. And that makes all the hours working seem so much more worthwhile I think.

Thanks so much for sharing this older post of yours & telling us about your journey. It really made me reflect on what is important in life! I'm now going to start searching your blog for more recipes for this week! That mushroom fettuchine that your husband made is on the list :-)

By the way, I changed my blog design and layout! If you have a chance, let me know what you think?

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