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November 15, 2011



These recipes are not friendly for your cooking, but thought the smashed turnips might be interesting to modify:
I always liked pickled turnips and with the horseradish, it sounds really delicious. I would volunteer to make a modified version of this if anyone else is interested.
XO, Daughter-in-law.


Readers: the turnips are NOT pickled in this recipe...
My grammar/writing is just a bit off at 3 am during a newborn feeding (which requires a baby to be held in an upright position for awhile, necessitating entertainment in the form of attempting to respond to MIL's latest post)

Teresa Kato

Hi, I'm the fan from Idaho who introduced myself in the hall at The Wellness Forum conference. It was such a treat to meet you in person that I'm compelled to stop lurking and actually respond to a post!
My sister (we spoke near the non-Chef Dell appetizer line- she and I were the late registrants who didn't get the memo about evening attire!) and I are back in Phoenix and still digesting our experience at the conference. We learned a lot and, like you, had lots that we already knew reinforced. All in all (other than the food) a great experience. Your summary here is helping us to sythesize all of it, a new reason for me to appreciate your blog!
Hope to run into you again in the future...

Happy Rehab Doc

Ok so the other night I was reading this blog entry and my husband looks over my shoulder & says--"wait, let me see that!" He then proceeds to read your whole post, say "wow this is a good blog!" Then he proceeded to salivate over the fettuchine & say, "we HAVE to make that!!":-) It was rather hilarious & I agree with every one of his opinions!

Love the portion in which you cite the literature on inflammation fighting foods (mushrooms yum!). My best friend (another medical librarian!) is encouraging me to include links to the data that I reference in my blog & I think I'm going to do that because reading through your sources was very helpful! I'm so new to the whole vegan/power of food to heal world & I love that I learn more every day! Thanks so much for helping me on that journey!:-)

The Healthy Librarian


Up at 3 with the little girl? Oh no! Glad I could provide some entertainment. I checked out the turnip recipe--looks promising, maybe plain soy yogurt for the sour cream. I've never knowingly eaten turnips. Let's do it!

Teresa, It was great to meet you--& your sister, but I wished we had more time to talk. Yep, it was a terrific weekend, food aside. But there was lots of info to digest. Hope to summarized the best of conference sometime soon.

HR Doc--Tell your husband thanks, from me. He's definitely a discriminating reader--and you 2 will love that triple mushroom dish--the sweet potato & spinach soup, too.

It's too bad I have so little free time to share all the validating diet versus disease research that passes my desk daily--and it's a huge waste of research $$that physicians & the public are ignoring all the research that can be summed up like this: Eat plants, ditch oil & sugar, cut back on the alcohol, exercise like you mean it & stretch with yoga!

Happy Rehab Doc

I agree with all those recs HL & share your frustration about the data that are getting ignored!!!!


I just made the Triple Mushroom Fettuccine. It was excellent. Thanks for another great recipe! Love your blog.

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