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December 13, 2011



Over the years (41 to be exact) I hope I have learned a few lessons including:

"Trust takes years to build, yet seconds to shatter"
and to emphasize :
"Honesty is the best policy"
and the one of the hardest:
saying "I am sorry/I was wrong/" and meaning it.

Although the most difficult for me may be:
Act now like you will need your body for a 100 years. While I eat healthier than I did 3 years ago which was better even than 5 years ago; I can say that there is a lot of room for improvement.

Thanks you though for a great resource. I have added the book to my reading list. I will pass on my recommendation to you to check out Wisdom: The Greatest Gift One Generation Can Give Another by Andrew Zuckerman. Here is the video trailer (5:46)


I had to order this book(no chance of getting in the library here in Germany). It sounds really awesome
Cannot wait to read it!

Wendy (Healthy Girl's Kitchen)

having deja vu all over again! This is EXACTLY like the book Chris and I recommended to you a few months ago called something like The Five Lessons Everyone Must Learn Before You Die . . . anyway, I'm so excited that this version is comming out of MY alma matter-The College of Human Ecology at Cornell University! I'm going to order it today and bring it with me on winter vacation. Thanks for the great tip!


Who shouldn't spoil the surprise? me?


Small world, I knew Karl twenty years ago when we both taught at UNH. He and I were also at Brandeis at the same time. He's a good guy.


"I'm sending copies to my 20- & 30-something kids--but please don't spoil the surprise!"

I think you will be very fortunate if your children are very interested in this book. We (parents) may be only a generation apart but to our children this is an insurmountable distance in this fast moving age. Good luck.

Happy Rehab Doc

I just ordered it from Amazon! Will have it by the end of the week. I'm usually a BIG library book person but this book looks like one I'm going to be attacking with highlighter and pen (yes, I still do that--once a student, always a student!) You've caught me just in time--still in my 30's so this advice will be so helpful.

I know what pearls of wisdom the Greatest Generation gives us--that is why I focus on geriatric patients. They are my favorites because every one of them has a story. I often get in trouble for talking to them too long--backs up clinic! I think I love this age group so much because my 91 year old grandmother is such a feisty ball of energy & has taught me so much on how to live life with vibrancy. And unbelievably Debby, she is actually back living completely independently just a little over 3 weeks from her hip fracture! Wow do I take a lesson from that--she was pushing herself so hard in rehab, she left people half her age (or even a quarter of her age) in the dust!

You always give the best advice & this post is another wonderful one! Thanks for featuring this book!!

The Healthy Librarian

@Jameslbg: Thank you for passing on your 4 lessons. I'm especially with you on the "I'm sorry one". Continued success with the "Act now like you will need your body for a 100 years." And I look forward to watching the video trailer for Andrew Zuckerman's book.

@Silvia: Hope you can get a copy in Germany!

@Wendy: You're right about the book's similarity to your recommendation: The Five Lessons Everyone Must Learn Before You Die--which, BTW, I thoroughly enjoyed--and never had a chance to tell you.

@Leslie: I was just being silly!

@SG: I agree. What a small world!

@Luke: I guess we'll see. But, Son #2 is a huge fan of Mitch Albom's books--Tuesdays with Morrie, and Have a Little Faith--lots of GenExers live lives in line with a lot of the lessons of this book.

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