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December 27, 2011



We celebrate our 30th on the 30th of December. We discovered we like to putter together--dishes, folding clothes, keeping bees, talking and listening for hours, sitting and reading in the same room, playing scrabble, admiring our garden, star-gazing during pre-dawn walks, and just lots of little things. Neither of us like clutter and stuff. We both like green smoothies and carrot juice and warm weather. We both like to pretend the noise from the freeway is the ocean. We both love the ocean. We like playing with grandchildren. We both learned it is more important to have harmony and be nice than to be right--most things just don't matter that much anyway. And 5:1 is a really good idea, but 5:0 is a better idea.

The Healthy Librarian

Oh, Ginger, this is just so beautiful! Every bit of it. Love your advice:

It is more important to have harmony and be nice than to be right--most things just don't matter that much anyway. And 5:1 is a really good idea, but 5:0 is a better idea.

A lesson I think you learn the more years you are married.

Happy 30th Anniversary to you!

Susanne Smith

There is a saying that a cord of three strings cannot be easily broke. Having God in your relationship makes a marriage much stronger.
My favorite passage from the Bible notes that we should exhibit these gifts... love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
I would add that you should forgive freely especially when you don't feel like forgiving. Just say the words and the feeling will follow.

ed nelson

Gratitude, admiration, and the habit of saying "yes" to just about any request, being "gladly compliant," and generally putting mulish obstinacy on hold. And, when you get into trouble, and you will, pull over and ask for directions - preferably before you get too lost, and, of course, making and keeping your promises - all of them - and taking an interest in your partner's interests. This list is getting longer than I thought but that's a little of what I've learned from Living With Laura for 35 years.

Health Librarian

Ed, this is a fantastic list!

Love your term, "Gladly Compliant" & taking an interest in your partner's interests.

Oh heck, I love everything you've said--and would have appreciated your full list.

I say, "Lucky Laura. And Lucky Ed."


My son got married a few months ago. We told him about the 3 most important words in a marriage: kindness, kindness, kindness. Congratulations on your anniversary! You are a generous blogger. Love your recipes, research, humor and advice. I love my Sonicare toothbrush, VitaMix and Banagrams game. Looking forward to 2012 with great anticipation!

The Healthy Librarian

And, Val, you are a generous reader! Thank you for all your generous feedback. It's so appreciated.

Your advice to your son was simply brilliant. If you've got kindness in your marriage--you've got it all. Don't you think?

So happy you're pleased with your Sonicare, Vitamix, & Banagrams (that one comes from my daughter-in-law--a word-game maven).


Happy 40th Anniversary! !! A great accomplishment! Enjoy ....

Luck and humor and not always having to have the last word helps in a marriage!

We would have been married (today) 42 years, but luck ran out...I hope it's with you for many, many, many years!

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