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December 17, 2011



Wow, everything looks SO delicious. Can't wait to try some of these recipes.


Thank you so much for these wonderful recipes. I will try them! Also, thank you for giving up so much of your time to share all that you do with us. Have a wonderful holiday season with your family and friends.

The Healthy Librarian

@Penny & Bonnie: Thanks Bonnie, & you're welcome, Penny. You're right--it took a ton of time to get them all down--but, now I know just where to find them--and can search for them on HHLL. Besides, I LOVE sharing delicious recipes that prove that plant-based & no-oil can not only taste-great--but be good for us!


I agree- thanks very much for sharing these recipes! We tried the kale waldorf salad after you wrote about it a couple of weeks ago and everyone loved it. Looking forward to trying the rest!


So thoughtful!! I started reading and immediately had to revise my plan for Christmas dinner. Thanks for taking the time to put this together!

The Healthy Librarian

@Julie, What caught your attention?

Ellen from PA

HI Healthy Librarian - this blog has been my favorite for over a year. Nothing like good reading on a wintery Saturday night. These recipes look totally awesome. Will host 20+ on the 30th which gives me lots of time to try some of these and then serve the younger generation how we have learned to cook.

Thanks for All you do for the research and the posting of the information and recipes. Also love the stories about your family.

Have a great holiday !!

Betty Amer

What a thoughtful holiday gift, to have the tried and tested recipes that you have shared with us! My daughter Margaret from Shaker Heights, also a vegan, will be having Christmas dinner with us and we will have fun cooking some of your recipes together.

Happy Rehab Doc

Oh HL this was SO needed today. I'm working on my list--with my large family I have multiple Christmas dinners to go to so I need to get organized! (the 48 hours around Christmas are always chaotic central b/c I have so many different things to cook & bring to each meal)!

Oh and that "Sweet Potato, Spinach, Fire-Roasted Tomatoes and a Bit of Peanut Butter Soup" is pretty much one of the yummiest soups I've ever had. (AND super healthy!) My husband and I have now made it twice in 3 weeks! SO good! Thank you for posting the recipe!!


Thanks so much for the delicious looking recipes. I had a cauliflower in the fridge and had just returned from Costco with a giant bag of spinach. Everything else in the pantry so made this soup for dinner last night. Delicious. Will have some for lunch and give some to a friend. I love it when healthy food is easy to make and tastes so good. Can't wait to try some of the others. Did you see the recipe for vegetarian posole on the Gourmet Live website? I'm thinking Christmas party. Happy holidays to you and your family and thanks for a year of such interesting information.


Thank you so much for the tried and true recipes! I follow your blog faithfully and you have created and shared recipes that have become my favorites in my plant based diet adventure. Can't wait to try the ones you posted today! I'm not sure I could have embraced this new lifestyle with such enthusiasm without your blog. Thank you, thank you!

The Healthy Librarian

@Susan: Yay, glad to hear that you liked the Kale Waldorf Salad--& took a chance on it.

@Ellen: Wow! What a compliment--and what great positive feedback to hear on a snowy wintery morning.

@Betty: So nice that you'll all be together for Christmas--and I know how much fun it is to have the chance to cook with our grown-up kids. Thanks for all the kind words--and thanks for introducing me to Robin Robertson's fabulous cookbooks!

@HRD: Don't know how you do it all--with the hospital practice, blogging, not only cooking up a storm every weekend, but now planning food to bring to multiple Christmas dinners. Enjoy! Thanks for the recipe feedback, too.

@SUEMV: Hope the soup turned out well. I agree--I love when the ingredients are simple, healthy, & delicious. Don't know what the Gourmet Live website is--I'll have to check out. I don't even know what posole is!

@Deb: You're so welcome--thank you so much for all of your enthusiasm & kind word. So glad that I've helped you along with this adventure. We have to have tasty food for it to work, right?

Shalini K

I have also made the sweet potato...peanut butter soup a few times and absolutely loved it. Such wonderful flavors mixed together. The first few times I sat down to eat it, I would say out loud, "this soup is fantastic!". It is now known as "Fantastic Soup" in our house. I also made the Waldorf Salad at Thanksgiving but could not find dinosaur kale so I used regular kale and everyone loved it. Will definitely make it with dinosaur kale next time Looking forward to trying the other recipes out. Thanks for sharing.


Here is a link to the recipe: Pozole/Posole! We live in Arizona so it's easy to find hominy here. Also,Rancho Gordo also carries it. I think it would be pretty easy to make oil free and use the Penzy's ancho chili powder instead of the dried chilies.


Great recipes!
I like the picture of "Babs' Famous Cranberry Relish with Toasted Walnuts, Raisins, & Orange" and would like to try it but don't see a recipe. Could you please let me know where to find it? Thanks


more thanks are due you, as I was going to figure out what to make today, and now I don't; thinking that it would be great to put together an index of your recipes. Expect you are far too busy for this; would it help if someone compiled an index going through your archives and emailed the index for your blog?

The Healthy Librarian

@Alexandra: Ooh what an offer!!! Let's talk after January 1st. I'd LOVE to have some kind of index.



We won't be completely plant strong this year, but every little but helps, right? And I can't wait to try the potatoes. I think that well be our christmas morning breakfast!


My 85 year old mother and I both read and love your blog. Keep up the amazing job you're doing!

We think Babs' Famous Cranberry Relish with Toasted Walnuts, Raisins, & Orange looks delish but can't find where you've posted the recipe. Am I missing something or perhaps you can post for all of us? Thanks.


You are amazing - thank you so much for the time to put out so many great recipes!

About the Roasted Brussels Sprouts...anything special to know about preparing these? They look delicious. I'm assuming roasted on parchment paper with the shallots and later tossed with toasted hazelnuts? Did you add anything else? Thanks so very much!

The Healthy Librarian

@Doug: I left out Babs' Cranberries because I made them without redoing the recipe & ARE NOT what I call health food. I'll post the recipe when I have time to adapt it to a low amount of sweetener, like maple syrup or a bit of stevia.

Here's Babs' recipe that she's made every Thanksgiving for maybe 40 years.

1 lb of cranberries (you'll need more than a bag-which now come in 12 ounces)
1 cup water.

Boil for five minutes until the berries just begin to POP

Then add 1 cup of brown sugar (Babs uses light brown) Here's where I need to experiment!

1 cut up peeled orange--Cut it into about 3-4 pieces for each orange section--

1/2 cup raisins.

Add the sugar, the orange pieces & raisins & simmer for 15 minutes.

Then add 1/2 cup of toasted chopped walnuts

@Chell: Thanks for the sweet words--and you're welcome. The Brussels sprouts were roasted in a hot oven with the shallots on parchment paper--but we lightly coated them with a little maple syrup, & sprinkled with salt & pepper. The toasted hazelnuts were added at the end.

Mary Ann Phillips

Hi! I've been subscribed to your blog for about a month now, and really love reading your recipes and health research. While I can't say I follow the diet, your posts have certainly influenced some of my food choices. I saw this article in a recent Chicago Tribune Good Eating Section (I had the section in my backpack, waiting to be read -- I'm a library student at the end of the semester!), and immediately thought of you and your husband's seitan Thanksgiving loaf.,0,7598672.story Since you're both so hands-on, I thought you might enjoy making the seitan yourself. Have a lovely holiday!

The Healthy Librarian

@Mary Ann, so happy you discovered my blog. Thanks so much for sending the seitan recipe article!

I've made my own twice now--and it's surprisingly easy to do. Unbelievably cheap to make it yourself--and it's almost zero fat, & lots of protein, provided one can eat gluten.

And, it's easy to freeze in usable packages.

Love having librarian readers--& future librarians!

Happy holidays to you!

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