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December 22, 2011



Oh thank you for posting this! I was at a holiday party last night and took somewhat healthier food to share. But, there were lots of tempting creamy, rich, fat-laden dips and desserts. I did indulge a little, telling myself it was a special occasion. The sugar and fat are so addictive! It was okay that one time but now I'm back on track. I surely don't want to regain any of the weight I've lost this year or raise my cholesterol, etc.

I've made the asparagus and brown rice several times and it is de-lish!

Health Librarian

Boy, Penny I know exactly what you mean. At this time of year it's so easy to just have a little--and then a little more, every day.

Last week I shared a vegan lavendar cake with friends--wish I hadn't! Not worth the fat & calories.

I'm better to just avoid the stuff altogether. And if I ever have left-over chocolate chips in the freezer for special occasion baking--forget about it!!

Out-of-sight-out-of-mind doesn't work for me---it's got to be "out-of-the-house"!


I hate to say it, but I'm glad to hear you are not perfect. I can't seem to overcome my sugar addiction, there is no will power when it comes to a good dessert. Just one more week to go and then we can get back on track.

I've been following your blog for about a year now and you and HGK and been such an inspiration to me and my new eating habits. Thank you! I finally bought myself a Vitamix for Hanukkah and have been having so much fun playing with it this week. I live in the neighborhood so I hope to meet you one day, maybe I'll run into you working out at the J. Happy Hanukkah!


Can't wait to try your new recipe. We prepared and loved your taco salad this week!....Check out the asparagus and mushroom risotto recipe on the website: Clean Green Simple. I make it with brown rice and add about 2/3 c. more water to the broth. It's a little more time consuming with the brown rice but reheats well if you want to prepare it ahead. I omit the salt and garlic as well and it's still good! Thanks, always, for your informational blog!


Oops! Forgot to tell you that I add the asparagus in the above recipe toward the end because, otherwise, it's very overcooked.

Gael in Vermont

I must say that I've just endured 2 weeks at school with homemade fudge, chocolate dipped peanut butter balls, handmade cookies of all sorts, veggies and creamy dip platters, sticky buns, mini candy bars and chocolate kisses...then at the bakery I work at on Saturdays...well, you can just imagine! I was armed with my "Sticks and Twigs" and my gluten-free pretzels to munch on...thank you! Everyone has accepted that I walk around with my green smoothie all morning long to guard against the demons that lay in the teacher's room. It's tough out there, let me tell you. Thank you Deb for the gentle reminders to be steadfast and strong. I can't wait to try the recipe you've given us today. I love 101 Cookbooks but I do have to "enlighten" them. Company this week will be eating enlightened Shephard's Pie with some tempeh and lentils standing in bravely for the meat! Happy New Year to all! And thanks to all your readers for the wonderful comments that continue to inspire me!

The Healthy Librarian

Yikes--those teachers sure load up on the junk!

I don't know how you do those cooking demo's ever Saturday with muffins, scones, & sticky buns! Have a fabulous & relaxing holiday--and THANK YOU for all your enthusiastic comments--recipes & support!

And where can I find the Shephard's Pie recipe version you're making?


Your posts hold so much value for me--- each one. Thank you for your wonderful blog.
Happy holidays!


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