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December 01, 2011


Ken Leebow

Thanks for sharing the video.

One suggestion about YouTube videos (podcasts too). There are thousands, of amazing videos/podcasts about diet, health, and lifestyle issues. Rather than sit in front of a computer to watch them, watch them on the go (on your iPhone or other smartphone) ... at airports, in the car (listen only), while waiting on lines, while shopping, and other locations.

Over the years, I've watched and listened to hundreds on my iPhone. I've listened to Dr. Esselstyn's hour-long speech numerous times -

Here's a few of my "must view" videos:

And, if you get "bitten by the bug", here are many more:

Happy holidays and viewing,

Ken Leebow

The Healthy Librarian


I'm just about to order an iPhone so I'll be able to watch videos on the go--but I was planning to get the smallest (cheapest) memory size b/c I figured I wouldn't be watching videos on my phone. Will that still work?

Cherie Perkins

Hi, this video is a few years old and is from the Healthy Lifestyle Expo put on in Southern California every fall by Vegsource. It is available free on Dr.E's website under media.

Vegsource puts out a yearly CD set and we have them all - staring most years Dr.Esselstyn (that's where we first heard him speak and got converted to low fat plant based) and Dr's Fuhrman, McDougall, T.Colin Campbell... and greats like Rip Esselstyn and Jeff Novick. I highly recommend all their videos - they are very well produced and very informative and encouraging for anyone trying to live healthier. The videos are available at

We love the Peter Lewis bit - it is so spontaneous.


I want to say this now while I am in the middle of reading this post that I am very thankful for your transcripts, word-for-word or not, because I'm deaf. And yes, it is faster to read than to watch - I sometimes even choose the transcript over a signed video.


Another thanks for the video. I'm emailing it to my dad, who I think will lister more to a peer than to me. Anyway he gets the message is good!

How do you eat your flax seed? Do you grind it immediately before use? I've heard the beneficial properties go away if I use preground...would you consider a flax/chia seeds for dummies post?

Thanks, as always!

The Healthy Librarian

Cherie: Thanks for the shout-out about the Vegsource CD sets! I've heard marvelous feedback about their annual Expo in LA from many readers. Jeff sent me the set from last year--but I'm ashamed to say I haven't had an opportunity to watch it yet.

Belle: Wow--thanks for giving me one more good reason to transcribe worthwhile videos--and podcasts.

Adrienne: I use flax in baking, or in veggie loafs as an egg substitute--1 TBS of flax meal to 3 TBS of water mixed together.

But, mostly, I just sprinkle it into oatmeal, or on top of a PB2 & fruit jam & Ezekiel muffin, or into plain soy yogurt & berries.

But, if do prefer chia seed to flaxseed. Flax is the clear winner in price, though. A lot cheaper than chia!!

I used to grind my own flaxseeds, and then keep the meal refrigerated--it does turn rancid if unrefrigerated, & it loses it's nutritional benefits! However, now I just buy the flaxmeal & always keep it in the fridge.

It makes sense that it's better to grind as you use--but, I haven't actually read that fresh ground is better than REFRIGERATED already ground.

Yes, to the post request.

Janet Mace

Found a great new healthy website today--not all vegan but plenty of recipes that meet the Esselstyn criteria. Here is a link to the recipe I tried for dinner tonight--awesomely tasty, totally healthy and very easy to cook! It's called Moroccan Eggplant with Garbanzo Beans:

Nancy Jones

I saw Dr. Esselstyn on a documentary produced by Dr. Sanjay Gupta on Cable News Network in Atlanta, Ga. The documentary was so profound that I found myself watching it numerous times. Frankly, it was hard to believe at first. My father died with heart disease at 43, my brother at 49, and I have taken blood pressure meds since my 30's. I am now 59. I ordered Dr. Esselstyn's book, Rip Esselstyn's book and Forks over Knives. I convinced my husband we could do anything for six months. His father had a stroke at age 57. So we set out October 1 on the plant based diet. We had a physical the first of November, and already both of our cholesterol levels were down 50 points from what it had been on our last physical. Also, my doctor cut my blood pressure meds in half and said we could probably cut them out entirely in a month or so if I continue with the new way of eating and exercise. Today I have been on the diet a little over two months and have lost 25 pounds and have more energy than I have had in years. My thanks to Dr. Esselstyn for changing my life.

Nancy Jones

Health Librarian

WOW, Nancy!! Thanks for sharing your terrific success. Honestly, I'm not surprised--because everyone who does it as Dr. E prescribes (no slippery slope exceptions) has success. Just got an update about Peter Lewis--and looking forward to sharing his story.

I'm so happy for your & your husband's success. I'll pass on your thanks to Dr. Esselstyn.

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