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January 31, 2012


Sue T.

I was tested recently for vitamin D and had low levels, so my doctor put me on a supplement of 5000 IU/day. However, shortly thereafter, I read a study in the New York Times Science section about the dangers of vitamin D supplements:
It seems like there's so much conflicting health advice out there... it's frustrating. But I'm planning to continue taking the D supplements because the articles about the possible consequences of D deficiency terrify me.

Jim Richardson

Thanks for introducing Gabe Mirkin to your readers. I used to listen to him most days on the radio when I lived and worked in DC, not far from Gabe's office. My nephew went to him once to lose weight and was successful, which is why I made a point to listen to Mirkin on the radio. From the beginning, I have never found a more accurate, knowledgeable, walking encyclopedia of *evidence-based medical knowledge,* bar none. And he's not selling any proprietary "stuff." He's genuinely an altruist who doesn't need to do what he does. I have his radio programs saved and listen to them when driving on long trips. They're available here:

But his articles are frequently updated and give even more of much the same information in print, minus the "call in" radio questions which he unhesitatingly answered accurately, year after year, off the cuff. It was amazing, the way he could cite research and especially current research from memory, on seemingly any medical question asked. He was famous for this and I never did find an instance of him being incorrect or out of date. He earned my highest respect after listening to him over the years. The articles are also available on his website. If HHLL readers have a question about nutrition, fitness, or sports medicine, take a moment to do a search on his site first: I doubt you'll be disappointed. Rather than a cartain physician of questionable credentials and motives, one who resembles Santa -- in my judgment Gabe Mirkin, M.D. deserves the title of "America's Most Respected Physician," when it comes to motivation and evidence-based information. And his credentials and certifications.

Yes, sign up for his free email newsletter. You won't be disappointed. I learn something from each one. He's not selling product, he's the genuine article and wants to help his fellow men and women avoid avoidable pain and suffering, same as HHLongLife does here, rather than cash in.

Pam Wright

Thanks for the introduction to Dr. Mirkin - I hadn't "met" him before your post.

When I signed up for his free email newsletter, he sent a link to a free e-book (pdf), "Dr. Gabe Mirkin's Pocket Guide to Fitness and Sports," with chapters about Fitness Basics, Serious Competition, Strength Training for Everyone, Injuries and Problems, Eat to Compete, Performance Enhancers, and "It's Never Too Late" (my favorite). I read half the book last night - it's filled with excellent advice that's simple, easy-to-understand, and medically sound.

I learned a little more about Dr. Mirkin when I read "About the Author" in his book. He ran his first marathon in 1954! In the 1960s, he was among the first to host long distance races for women, children and older people.

AND he hosted the first Road Runners Club of America National Championship for women at a time when * women were threatened with a life-time ban from Amateur Athletic Competition if they ran in races of more than 1.5 miles.* (Who knew?)

He founded the Run for Your Life program for fitness runners. He was the medical editor for three running journals.

Dr Mirkin has made a huge difference in the lives of thousands of people, most of whom will never meet him in person or be able to thank him. Thanks for introducing him to your readers!


I LOVE that "where do you get your protein" cartoon! It's happened so many times and again just last week. I chuckle whenever I think of it.

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