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March 30, 2012


Cherie Perkins

Woo Woo !!! Great success story! Thanks for sharing. I absolutely LOVE these stories. I'm sharing it around.


WOW! Congrats to your SIL -- and congrats to you for helping her accomplish her healthy changes!

You are helping an untold number of us in the same way -- thank you!

WOW! again!


The SIL looks fantastic!! I can't wait until she shares her new numbers with us.
And who believed you when you wrote that you were so busy that you didn't have time to visit with her! Not I!

Keep up the great work, SIL.

Wendy (Healthy GIrl's Kitchen)

Yeah for your SIL!!! aND Thanks for the reminder about the most important veggies. Very Fuhrmanesque (Super Immunity).

Now I need to hear what you are making for Passover . . . come on over asap to this post--

Gael in Vermont

First of all, SIL looks great and I'm sure she feels great too. Congratulations on staying away from the drugs! It's so wonderful to see Dr. E proven right again! Last time I had my triglycerides tested, the number was 112...which is too high. They were as low as 70 at one point, but I'm thinking the fruit smoothies (although made with veggies included) and some of the G-F snacks I'm eating (Mary's Twigs and rice crackers) are putting the numbers over the top. This article was a wake-up call for me, Deb! Thank you for the reminder. Must tweak again. In addition, the research about the silent strokes was very enlightening...explains a lot, doesn't it?...and it makes so much sense. I can't wait to hear all about your Utah's going to be wonderful!

Chris G.

Great news regarding your sister-in-law's health. 100 points of cholesterol in 2.5 weeks is unbelievable, but proof positive of that diet changes alone are capable of.

On the vegetable study, beyond taking the water soluble approach, it is important to realize the limitations of such 'in vitro' studies. The results of pouring vegetable juice on cells in a dish will differ from what happens when vegetables go through our GI tract, are assimilated into our blood stream, and then delivered to cancer cells and tumors. Active chemical agents that fight cancer cells in a dish may act differently 'in vivo'. That said, since many other studies haven shown the health protective effects of many vegetables, including these, they are certainly beneficial.

Annette Van Baalen

Great story! Physicians usually wait 2-3 months to recheck cholesterol when they start someone on medication, but I tell my patients that if they are willing to make a major dietary change their cholesterol may drop significantly in 2-3 weeks.

My favorite Appetite For Reduction recipes are Curry Laksa and Thai Basil String Beans, but I've been wanting to make the Tortilla Soup. Think I'll make your "enlightened" version tomorrow. Thanks for everything you share!

Kathleen Brown

Thanks so very, very much for the table of cancer-preventing vegetables. I am a cancer survivor (2 years) and live just slightly overwhelmed all the time, because I know there's a lot of knowledge out there but I have little time to digest it all (is that a pun?). Anyway this information means a lot, coming from you. Please pass along my thanks to your sister-in-law, for sharing her story.


Congrats to your SIL. My cholesterol also dropped 100 points after 2 weeks on Dr. E's plant food diet. Last June My cholesterol was high and my cardiologist wanted to put me on statins. I said I didn't want to take them and asked "What else I could do?" He recommender Dr. E's book and after 3 weeks I went back to him crying and saying I cannot eat like this. Again I thought I was eating healthy, no sugar, baking with spelt flour, etc.
I had previously leafed thru Dr. E's book. In late August I decided to actually read it and said I can do this! Went for a new cholesterol test and it had dropped 100 points and I felt like a million dollars. I have lost over 30 lbs and will never stop eating plant foods. I told my cardioligist he had saved my life.

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