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April 21, 2012



I'm disappointed on the current post.When I tried to read the article on eating meat, A NY Times message appeared telling me that I had exceeded my monthly limit of articles, which I normally read by using your posts from the Times.
Too bad they block readers who don't normally read the Times...

The Healthy Librarian

@George: This must be a new development on the part of the NYT. The 20 article limit always applied to non-subscribers reading articles directly off of the NYT website---but, the NYT still allowed subscribers (like me) to link to NYT articles--and they were viewable without applying to anyone's 20 article limit.

Now that I know this--I won't link to NYT's articles as often--and when I do, I'll be sure to include a good summary. Sorry, George. When did this start? I know they changed something a few weeks ago.


I've been playing with an N-back game off and on for the past year or so. They're really tough! Maybe if I did it more consistently, I'd get better. I'm going to get my 17yo to play the one at your link just to see how well he does. I appreciate the links and recall that someone said on FB that she uses different ids to get around the NYT's now 10 article limit, which apparently no longer allows you to view articles that others have linked to once you've viewed your 10 per month.

Ryan Travers

I strongly agree - it's all in our minds.

mistah charley, ph.d.

About reading the NY Times - see

Mary in Vermont

I usually do well on aptitude tests, and I'm finding that N-back game a real challenge - hurts my brain! It will be interesting to see if a)I can keep at it, and b)it seems to make a difference in anything else, assuming I eventually get better at it.

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