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May 26, 2012



Once again I'm so grateful for your postings - most of us just don't have time to read all these lengthy research articles (I still can't figure out how you manage to!), but thanks to you, we can skim and get the bottom line, and be healthier for it.

Thankful in British Columbia


I haven't read enough about it yet, but what about K2 and calcium? You mention vitamin K. K2 seems to be the more important form (than K1 which is related to coagulation) for cardio event protection. I've only done a cursory lit search in peer-reviewed journals--wondering what you've read and think?

Here's one I've read:

Is vitamin K consumption associated with cardio-metabolic disorders? A systematic review
Karen Reesa, Sanjeet Guraewala, Yim Lun Wonga, Dauda L. Majanbua, Angelique Mavrodarisa, Saverio Strangesa, Ngianga-Bakwin Kandalab, Aileen Clarkea, Oscar H. Francoc


What about the findings regarding the bone-strengthening effects of prunes (Arjmandi,2011)?

...and I totally second the comment by "Thankful in British Columbia"; thanks HL!!


I had my first DEXA scan at my last annual checkup, am 57, and my results put me just inside the range for osteopenia, even though I eat a varied diet, have consumed plenty of dairy (as recommmended in the past), and I have always been very active. My doc recommended 500 mg of oystershell calcium 3X per day and get another bone scan in two years to see where I'm at. I found this site looking for more information, and have decided to try a mostly plant based diet and up the amount of foods high in calcium, increase Vit. D, cut back my coffee intake and add more specific strength training. I am now debating whether to take those recommended calcium supplements. I have noticed that some of the soy and almond milk brands claim that they provide more calcium per cup than milk, so wonder if I should be consuming those. I have read that magnesium and Vit. D. also play a part in bone development, and probably many other inter-related factors we have yet to understand. I am also tall and slender and have read that the bone scan test ranges may be off for this body type, but perhaps I am in some denial. I appreciate being able to source the research behind the thinking (or lack thereof!). Thanks for your very informative website! I've also tried some of the posted recipes and so far all have been great.

Rebecca Cody

I would like to see Americans in general, young ones in particular, realize how damaging drinking soda pop is to bone health. Colas are so highly acidic that the blood pulls calcium from the bones to maintain its crucial pH. I'm afraid the epidemic of osteoporosis will be shocking in just a few years as they grow older.

wendy (healthy girls kitchen)

I love you, love you, love you!!!! My doctor recently told me to take calcium supplements because I am a vegan. Maybe it's time to get a new doctor! Any recommendations?

old lady2

This was the site that made me rethink bone strength with the prune article and to not take calcium pills. I like prunes, so this gave me the thought to eat more! LOL
I incorporate strength training weekly in which use light and heavy weights and a weekly yoga class. This site has made me think about the food I eat and getting my vitamins/nutrients from my foods. More spinach, broccoli, and I need to incorporate kale in my recipes :-)

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