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« Welcome Home Carrot Cake & Feta Cheese! "Too Good to Believe These are No-Fat No-Sugar Vegan" Carrot Cake Muffins & "You Could Have Fooled Me Feta" | Main | It's a Numbers Game! What HBO's "The Weight of the Nation" Missed - Eat More, Weigh Less on a Plant-Based Diet »

May 12, 2012



Wow, these muffins sound wonderful! I'm always looking for new muffin recipes.
And now here's a question. Many of our healthy foods, such as greens and beans, contain both calcium and iron. We've learned that calcium can block iron uptake, but what happens with these foods that contain both? Is there some sort of synergy here keeps the calcium from blocking the iron? Help!

The Healthy Librarian

@Lisa: So nice to hear from you. This is so strange--2 minutes before I sat down at my computer, I was just thinking about you. Really. Son #1 is traveling to your neck of the woods-I was thinking about him--and you just popped into my head. Strange. Re the calcium & iron--honestly, I don't know. I do know that, but, I'll see if I can find out. If your iron levels are fine--than it's "working for you". Thanks for bringing up this question, fellow librarian.


Woooo! Strange indeed! Maybe us librarians are connected somehow? :)
As for your Son #1, please contact me by email if he needs anything, I'll be happy to help. With the calcium-iron dilemma, I do try and organize when I eat what and what I eat what with, if that makes any sense, in order to get the maximum use of either mineral. It does seem weird though that I see the same foods in both the calcium and iron lists.


We made them here in England! They're great - we ate the lot in 24 hours!

Tom Drewry

I cooked these for mothers day and they were a hit with the whole family. They didnt seem done at 20 minutes so I left them an extra 5 or 6 minutes and they came out perfect. They are all gone already so another batch is in order soon. I live and die by your recipes so please keep them coming.

Rachel Sherwood

made them this morning - they were fabulous!

Kim Hawkins

Did anyone else's muffins come out bitter at all? I could really taste the baking powder in mine. Also, I guess I got some very unsweet dates, because they turned out hardly sweet at all. Next time I will use more dates, and maybe add some pineapple.

On the plus side, the texture was hard to achieve with no oil/no egg baking.

The Healthy Librarian

@Kim: Sorry to hear your muffins tasted bitter. It could have been from the baking powder. Yours is the first time I heard of "bitterness". Dates can be variable--in size, freshness, sweetness, & plumpness. And the same goes for the ripeness of bananas. One date trick is to warm them up a bit in the microwave with a few sprinkles of water. I've even soaked them in warm water when they're on the dry side. I've learned to keep them refrigerated, too, because they can get what looks like tiny spots of mold if they are just kept in the pantry.

Kim Hawkins

Well, after resting overnight, most, if not all, of the bitterness is gone. Yep, they are yummy!


@Kim - I had the same experience with mine and suspected it was the baking powder too. They also tasted better the next day! Now I know it wasn't only in my head :)

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