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June 19, 2012



At the grocery store last weekend I noticed a sample table with crackers and a spinach spread. The gal told me it was made with tofu. Tofu? I said. She said that it was a healthier version and I said tofu, really? She started to defend it and I said that I ate tofu all the time. Everyone else had made a face when she said it was tofu. This recipe had dry vegetable soup mix in it and it was pretty good. Tofu in Nebraska? That is crazy. Ha. I'm going to try your recipe for sure.

I want to try Chloe's Chinese Takeout Chow Mein. Chicken Chow Mein was my favorite restaurant meal as a kid. The Sweet and Sour Party Meatballs sound good, too.

Healthy Librarian

@Penny: Boy, the times must really be a'changing if your grocery store is making spinach dip with tofu. I thought Omaha, at least, was a vegan haven. Didn't Isa move there? Or maybe she just paid a visit. I agree, the Chinese Takeout Chow Mein & the Sweet and Sour Party Meatballs do look delish. Let me know what you think of this dip--I just loved it.

wendy (healthy girls kitchen)

Won't be long before I make this one!!!!!


It's great to have another no-oil, plant-based snack! Looks great. Can't wait for the rest of the party menu recipes. I've been in a gourmet group for 25 years and would love to serve a meal like this.


We had the artichoke dip last night and it is good. Hubby liked it too. Yes, Isa lives in Omaha. I'm star struck whenever I see her at Vegan Meetups. I wouldn't call Omaha a vegan haven by any means. There are a few places but it's still a tough sell here. We're going to the Veg Fest in Golden, Colorado in July. Also Boulder CO to eat at new Native Foods cafe and other veg places. Can't wait.

Kim Hawkins

Had to go to the store just to get the ingredients for the artichoke dip. Can't wait for it to come out of the oven.

Thank you ever so much for enlightening and posting these recipes. It is making a world of difference in how Esselstyn-compliant I can be.

Oh, had dinner at True Foods Kitchen in Newport Beach, CA last week. (they follow Andrew Weil's anti
-inflammatory diet) and it was fantastic. Highly recommend.

Kim Hawkins

The verdict is in: IT'S DELICIOUS! Can't wait for leftovers....and no guilt....there is a god....

The Healthy Librarian

@Kim, Yay! Glad you liked it. You're going love the leftovers, I promise.

@Penny, Thanks for the update. On the dip & Isa. Must be so much fun to see her at meet-ups--hope she brings some of her goodies with her. Just wondering, what brought her to Omaha? Lucky you to attend the Veg Fest in July--and visit Boulder. Enjoy.


The dip looks quite yummy!

Wendy Nusche

The dip is delicious! My husband and I loved it and all 4 of my children ate it which is saying alot.Thank you so much for this recipe (which will become a regular) and so many others I have found on your site. Our family follows Dr. Esselstyn's diet and your help has been so terrific!


made this a couple of months ago and froze half... just reheated in the oven and it was just as good!! love this recipe. barely any fat! guilt free!

Healthy Librarian

@Anna: Thanks for the feedback! Never in a million years would I have thought that this could be frozen. What a huge timesaving tip! Thanks for sharing it.

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