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June 12, 2012


Steven Rice Fitness

Scott is an inspiring example of a successful athlete vegan, and he gives a lot of great advice. However I disagree regarding protein consumption and timing for weight lifting. I think your son is right.

The Healthy Librarian

@Steven: I trust your opinion, you're vegan, & you know fitness & strength-training. How much protein do you recommend after weight-lifting? Any specific recommendations--does it depend on how tough the work-out, heavy or light weights. Do tell.

Steven Rice Fitness

Here, vegan doesn't matter other than protein source, and I use exactly what Scott suggests- a mix of pea and brown rice protein, plus cocoa powder. I put about one scoop of mix, maybe 25 grams and one teaspoon of cocoa in an empty mustard jar(other condiment containers may work, but I can't say for certain.) Research has well demonstrated the advantage of readily available protein a short time after exercise for muscle growth. Chocolate helps with myosynthesis, has abundant anti-oxidants, and tastes good.

"Weight lifting" means very strenuous, hitting your limits, exercise that not many casual exercisers actually achieve. Protein supplementation may be uneccessary for anyone not making a dedicated effort to gain muscle mass.

I will add that I don't consider myself a nutrition expert, but I've read a lot on what works for strength training, estimated what I was getting in meals, and come up with this.

The Healthy Librarian

Thanks, Steven. Sounds like a very reasonable plan--the 25 grams of mixed rice & legume protein powder. Didn't know that bit about myosynthesis with the chocolate. But....did I miss something after the mustard jar? Did you mean to write--add water, milk, ??? Are you suggesting the mustard jar because it's just about 8-10 ounces and you can take it with you to the gym--and have it right after your work-out????

Steven Rice Fitness

because... I like mustard! Actually my favorite mustard comes in a jar that has a wide mouth and straight sides so it's easy to clean. See
I add water at the gym.

Re. chocolate, see

Kate Scott

I was very interested to see this interview - thanks for doing it HL. I have ordered his book from Amazon and it has yet to arrive. I am not surprised to see his liberal use of nuts - nuts are a great source of protein and healthy fats. Much as I respect Caldwell Esselstyn, I think he is out of touch on this one (as even his son acknowledges in the Engine 2 book). The more recent science makes clear that the story is much more complex than the idea that omega-6 fats are proinflammatory and omega-3 fats are anti-inflammatory. Both n6 and n3 can be precursors for both pro and anti-inflammatory reactions in the body. The research on the positive health effects of nuts is extraordinarily consistent and it is not all funded by the nut industry - have a look at the seminal Adventist Health studies for example.

The Healthy Librarian

@Steven: Thanks for "the rest of the story"--I'm taking my jar with me to my Friday morning workout! Thanks for the advice. No wonder I found that a few big spoonfuls of my chocolate hummus (cocoa, cannellini beans, & dates) was a very satisfying post-weight work-out snack. Cocoa, carbs, protein---not even close to 25 grams, though, more, like 8 grams of protein

@Kate Scott: The omega-6 omega-3 story is all about their ratio, and they are both necessary to our health. We can be quite healthy with a ratio omega-6 to omega-3 at 4:1, although the impossibly hard 1:1 is supposedly ideal. The problem is---omega-6's are ubiquitous is our diet--we have no problem getting enough of them. It's hard to get enough omega-3's without paying attention, by eating ground flax, chia, or taking supplements, or eating fatty fish. Yes, there are omega-3's in greens, and some beans, walnuts, hemp, & fruit---but they're not plentiful sources of omega-3---they're packaged in about a 1:1 or 3:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3. Great foods, but, they won't tip the balance of all the other foods we eat that are high in omega-6. Nuts are a huge source of omega-6---but, if you eat them whole, not ground, most of it will come out the other end--which is a good thing. That said--I do love nuts--and probably eat about 1/4 cup a day. But, it's hard to stop at that! I'm familiar with the nut studies, and the Adventist studies---yes, nuts are better than some of the snacks people would otherwise eat--but, other foods are even better for us. They are still calorie bombs--and not a huge source of protein at that.

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