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June 10, 2012


Gael in Vermont

Deb...came in to take break from 85 degree gardening and read your lovely post! The food looked great and I must try the cauliflower soup/rice. It must be very relaxing to be on vacation with "like" eaters...takes a lot of stress out of meal time. The restaurants you have visited (even in Utah) all look far, we don't have any restaurants dedicated to plant-based eating. When I visited Real Food Daily in LA last year, I told my son "they speak my language here." I gained inspiration and many food ideas from my visits there...I'll bet you did too. So good to spend time with the kids, huh? The grands are precious. Oh baby!

Veronica in Chicago

Just saw your "Enlightened" Curried Cauliflower soup recipe. I've been making cauliflower "rice" (usually just sauteed a bit with added green onions) and roasted cauliflower florets for years now, but I never thought to roast the shredded cauliflower in the oven. Thanks for the tip!


Great post! Miss you. Thanks for everything. XO. DIL

The Healthy Librarian

@Gael in VT: Thanks for the sweet words! I hope you'll love the Curried Cauliflower Soup--be sure to season the roasted "rice" for an interesting flavor contrast on top of the soup. Gotta check out Real Food Daily--haven't heard of it. You'er right, it's lways fun to spend time with kids.

@Veronica in Chicago: Interesting blog you have!! Sounds like we have interesting stories--and I found it fascinating that you also gained weight on the Mediterranean diet thanks to the nuts & olive oil. As I said to my husband today---even if nuts & oil were good for you--if they make you gain weight--then they aren't good for you! End of argument in favor of nuts & olive oil.

@Leslie: Thanks! It was our pleasure! Thanks for sharing your recipe finds with me. Miss you 2!

Dan @ NY

thank you for a very inspiring post


What a great run of photos & recipes! Also, the pirate photo had me laughing out loud, something I sorely need these days... Thanks!

Best, Mark

Healthy Librarian

@Mark, Thanks so much!! Appreciate the positive feedback. Glad the pirate pic got you laughing. Sorry about my ridiculous delay in testing your recipes. I've been so crazy busy--now, I've got to find where exactly I set your book. Embarrassed big time.


Debby--I can't wait to try this curried cauliflower soup. I have made a variation before that was super simple and had no non-dairy milk--just veg broth and water with seasonings. I bet this one tastes so rich. Thanks!

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