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August 10, 2012



It seems this was a special post just for me!Been slipping into bad nighttime habits. Glass of wine too late. Computer too late. Crossword puzzles too late. And I know that I definitely need 8 hours--sometimes I think 9 is best for me. And never get that. Then I feel foggy and tired way too often.I plan to implement these strategies to see if I feel better. Thanks for the info!


Recently I had to take 3 antibiotics for a month (Lyme disease). I stopped drinking for the month and was amazed at how much better I immediately felt, and how much more I could sleep. If I woke in the middle of the night I got back to sleep easily;
Before the antibiotic regime, I would have 1 or 2 drinks, and wake up several times during the night; I would often be up for hours trying to get back to sleep.
So, now I have to ponder whether I want to feel better in the morning due to a good night's sleep, or "feel better" in the early evening from a drink. So far, one drink doesn't seem to bother my sleep, so I guess I have an answer.


You are so inspiring! This could not have come at a better time for me.


I've been a natural champion sleeper all my life. Always to bed early, sleep well through any noise or light, and up early, after sleeping ~9 hours. Then came menopause and the hell of disrupted sleep no matter what I did. Waking up every hour or two turned me into a foggy, irritable unhappy person who was slowly but surely going insane, losing functional abilities. I finally started taking 2000 units of Vitamin D3 daily (my levels tested quite low) and about a month later, my sleep was much improved. However, I've never been able to get back to sleep that feels as refreshing as it used to and about once a month, I still have 2-3 nights in which I'm up every hour and end up just getting up after being in bed about 4 hours. I've learned that I simply can't control my own body and am grateful for the nights I do sleep.
I read your blog regularly and try to incorporate what I've learned from you, but the truth is that some of us are simply the outliers; our bodies do not follow the rules.


This may sound like a silly question, but if the best sleep is the first few hours, don't we all get that no matter what time we start sleeping? Or is there something extra wonderful about those hours if they come before midnight? I'd better pay attention if so, because I'm rarely asleep before then. I've always loved those peaceful hours late at night when the household is settled down - although I will readily confess that I don't do much that's terribly productive then. I have been wondering if I would be accomplishing more in terms of personal goals if I got going earlier in the day. I've always said I'm one of those people who isn't fully awake until I've been upright for a couple of hours. Maybe I've just never gotten enough sleep.....! Thanks for the very thought-provoking post.

The Healthy Librarian


Not a silly question at all. I wondered the same thing. Seems it has to do with our biological clocks, circadian rhythms, melatonin, etc. We're primed to go to sleep when the sun goes down (so to speak)--and then we go through a few sleep cycles of the deep & REM sleep. So, unless you go to bed early, you won't get in enough of those high quality deep sleep cycles that are so restorative. You short-change yourself on the number of cycles. There seems to be something important about starting earlier--rather than shifting the cycle & starting sleep at a later hour--at least for most people. I know what you mean, though. It's a real sacrifice to lose those quiet night hours--but, if you go to sleep earlier, you can pick them up in the morning.


I want to tell everyone who is curious about their bloodwork numbers that there is a service thru which you can simply pay money and get your labwork done! No appointments, no referrals, just pay on line and go to the nearest lab for a blood draw. Not only that but they have now arranged that we can design our own panel of tests, and the first panel is what I wanted, and is called the Vegan Panel: Iron, lipids, Vit B12 and Vit. D!


I am trying the sleep routine and having some success. I was staying up until midnight because I couldn't get to sleep before then anyway. Now I go to bed at 10:00 and am starting to fall asleep earlier. You are so right about covering the clock! I still have nights when it doesn't work as well and will try to figure out why (maybe caffeine from iced tea or no exercise that day)as I go along. Thanks for the challenge, I really needed this!

I have the Willpower book on hold at the library. You inspire me everyday!

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