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October 04, 2012



Holy smoke. Thank you so much for this update--it's something I've been thinking about a lot lately (just this evening, in fact). I still eat a diet very high in nuts--lots of almonds and almond milk, tahini and so forth (and Field Roast is made with safflower oil, sob!) I find the richness of these foods rewarding, but I really worry that I'm overloading myself on omega 6s. I only wish that algal supplements were as cheap, ounce for ounce, as fish oil supplements. A month's supply of algal EPA/DHA is a fraction of the amount of oil for twice the price. At any rate, gotta start working that chia into my diet more.

Chris G.

Great and dense article. I do find I'm more flexible and less injury prone (run 1,000 miles per yr) after going plant-based and daily chia, walnuts, and hemp. My EPA&DHA is 6% (need those supplements) but my 6:3 ratio is 5 which I guess is good.

Fully agree with nearly all points here but do have to point out that salmon are a low mercury fish (unlike tuna) and Pacific salmon are low in PCBs too. Paul Greenberg's NYT article that stating that Bristol Bay salmon are the only 'safe' ones left is from a sustainability, not health perspective. It is 100% correct that Atlantic farmed salmon are a health and sustainability problem and if you go to a restaurant, this almost certainly what your are served.

Thank you for these wonderful facts. Omega-3s are a wonder drug!


Thanks for posting this. I increased the amount of flax seed and chia seeds I add to my breakfast cereal. I have a bottle of Nordic Cod Liver Oil in the refrigerator, and started having a teaspoonful of it daily AGAIN after reading this post. I forget why I stopped taking it.

After several days, my eyes don't feel so dry. I forget what the downside of the cod liver oil is--is it because the liver is a filter?

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