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November 10, 2012



Wahoo!! I love, love, love this! Thank you.

Fritzy  Dean

I am a recently converted vegan, after being a life long "semi-vegetarian". I am nearly Margaret's age .I am 77 and have more energy than I did when I was 50. So grateful to have found the courage to go to plant based eating. I intend to be a vigorous, feisty old lady for many more years.


What an encouraging post - that name, Margaret Bennet-Alder, was niggling at my brain, but I couldn't remember why it was so familiar. When I googled, I found a reference to the fact that she was the national La Leche League Coordinator in Canada in the 70s, when I was nursing my first babies, and an active LLL member. So this woman is no stranger to pioneering! Nice to see she's still at it!

Healthy Librarian

@Carol: Thanks for sharing that factoid! She was definitely a pioneer--very few of her contemporaries were breast-feeding. National Coordintor--amazing. Had it not been for La Leche's help I would have stopped nursing at 3 months from a breast infection (mastitis)--which is what my doctor had advised. Following their advised it went away--never t return again.

@Fritzy: Congrats to you!! Thanks for sharing--and may you go from strength to strength!

@Bonnie: Me, too!


I'd love to know Margaret's exercise history! Was she a late bloomer with that as well?

What a great role model!!!


That's incredibly inspiring! Thanks to both of you for sharing.


Wonderful post. So enjoyed reading it. I always wish I had started Dr. E's diet sooner and this made me feel better. What a courageous, delightful and wonderful lady!


You're my hero, Margaret!

The Healthy Librarian

@Chris: I'll have to ask Margaret specifically---but, in her words, "Exercise has never been my strong point, but I'm hoping the walking will make it so."


Love this. Veggie Verses is great - made me smile. I'm a late starter, too. I'm 67, just been plant based about 6 weeks and this also made me feel better about just now beginning. You are a hero, Margaret!

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