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November 13, 2012


Marsha Schauer

Wow! you've been busy. I can't wait to try some of these. They will keep me busy, and full and healthy, for quite awhile.


Joan Levin

Where can I find the recipe for the fermented fiery slaw?

Marilou Garon

Oh, thank you! It's not even Thanksgiving here in Montréal but your post makes me want to cook, which is all that counts! Can we have the recipe for the pumpkin pie squares you plan on making? Many thanks, and have a very nice holday.


I'm planning to make the pumpkin pie squares for a pre-Thanksgiving brunch, so I have the recipe bookmarked:

Healthy Librarian

@Tanya & @ Marilou Garon: Thanks for posting Cathy Fisher's link. Note: some people liked it a little sweeter, & adding an extra date or 2, or even a little stevia did the trick. I added chopped walnuts & raisins in mine. For a special treat, when I make these for Thanksgiving, I'm going to add walnuts & chocolate chips. Happy Holiday!


HI! Thank you for posting. I'm going to make a vegan mushroom gravy I learned at a Whole Foods Cooking class. To go over brown rice or mashed potatoes. I am also looking for a good Vegan Lasagne...what is the source of your Sicialian Walnut Pesto Lasagne? I'm toying with the Sweet Potato & Spinach one from Forks Over Knives Cookbook. Thank you!

Marilou Garon

@Jessblanchard: I make the lasagna in Appetite for reduction, by Isa Chandra Moskowitz. It has a roasted-cauliflower/tofu "ricotta" filling that is really excellent. I omit the spinach because of my picky 5-year old, who otherwise just devours it! I have to admit I really love that cookbook!


Is there a recipe for the roasted brussels sprouts with hazelnuts and shallots--or do I wing it? I am wondering about a marinade. The photo looks delicious!


Debby--I was finally able to make this recipe. It was soooooo good.Really. The pan was scraped clean by my family. I also made the Creamy Chipotle Sauce (with cashews) to serve with it and they loved that too. Thanks for a great dinner!

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