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January 22, 2013


Betty A.

Well, what do you know?? I've still got some parmesan rinds in the freezer from when we used to eat cheese. I've no objection at all to using them. They do add a background of flavor--umami, like the soy.


Love it! Reminds me a bit of Mollie Katzen's Gypsy Soup (


How do you get parmesan rind?


Also try Kombu or some liquid smoke for added flavor....

The Healthy Librarian

@Alison: My grocery store sells parmesan rinds & you can trim them further & store in the freezer.

@Lori: Both excellent suggestions. Liquid smoke works for bean soups or split pea---but this one was more Italian--a minestrone, so the rind worked well.

@Anne: Gonna check that Gypsy Soup out pronto!

@Betty A: Hope you like it! Looks like we'll be your neighborhood again at the end of March.


Don't throw it out! I use a parmesan rind in minestrone. Afterwards, I fish it out, rinse and dry it, and put it back in the refrigerator for re-use. If it is dried out (and rinsed and dried after use) it will keep fine but still impart flavor. Or put it in the freezer as you suggest. I didn't know you could buy rinds at the market.


Looks great HL, can't wait to try. I love adapting soups and stews from
the TV chefs. They have teams creating the basics of their recipes, so
the basic veggie combinations are usually sound.... we just
have to eliminate the bad stuff and convert to plant strong! Also
love the combination of fresh herbs which I think are too often
left out by home cooks.


Just made this soup for lunch today. Not only is it amazingly delicious, but it is also beautiful in the bowl! Thank you for enlightening the recipe


2 tablespoons of red wine vinegar like in the ingredient list, OR 2 teaspoons like in the instructions??


I've tried this twice. The first time, I didn't have butternot squash or rind, so I used potatoes. Excellent. This time I had both. Added some dandelion with the greens. Terrific.


Made this for first time last winter after seeing it on this site, made it again today. This is the best vegetable soup I've had, ever. The broth is exquisite - adding soy sauce, vinegar, and rind of parmesan cheese (or a chunk of parmesan) made the broth even better.

I used a whole butternut squash (have several) and added a large sweet potato. Used a 13 oz bag of baby kale and spinach - cooked in 3 minutes. Will add more greens when I get more. Did not have Great Northern beans so I used 2 cans of pink (rosata) beans from Goya. Still fabulous.

Bonus 1: One 2.25 cup serving = 175 calories. Wow!! Bonus 2: this recipe makes a LOT of soup so we can freeze at least half for later.

Thanks for a great recipe!

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