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January 01, 2013



These look amazing! I'll have all the ingredients once my bananas ripen. Will definitely make these this week. Thanks!


I'm allergic to bananas, so I'm going to defrost some cooked pumpkin to replace them. I found this page of banana equivalents!
So about 2/3 to 1 cup of pumpkin puree. I keep the pumpkin on hand to add to lentil stews.

The Healthy Librarian

@Tanya: the texture of pumpkin is similar to bananas--but, in this recipe, the bananas lend sweetness, so you may need to sweeten these up a bit. Maybe try Medjool dates. Or use baked sweet potatoes that have caramelized by baking them cut in half & skin side down on parchment paper, instead of pumpkin, which isn't very sweet. Anyway--just be sure to taste for sweetness. Good luck.


I made black bean brownies awhile ago and was not thrilled but I think it is time to try again. I will give this recipe a try as I just finished dinner and would love dessert. I have to quickly comment on my dinner as when I make it I think of you as you were the one who introduced me to the Trader Joe's refrigerated lentils. The recipe comes from Cooking with Trader Joe's cookbook Skinny Dish by Jennifer K. Reilly, which I adapted slightly. It is a 26 oz jar of marinara sauce ( I use Whole Foods 365 brand pasta sauce - no oil), 1 package of the Trader Joes Lentils. I heat these together. I then add fresh spinach or kale. I sautéed mushroom on the side, because I have family members that do not like mushrooms. I add the mushrooms to my sauce. I serve over Tinkyada brown rice pasta with a green salad. It is the easiest dinner and yummy! Now off to make the black bean brownies.


This should be a New Year's Day tradition! I want to make a batch of these as soon as we return home. I've looked at this recipe so many times without trying it. I need these. I will say that I succumbed to some of my daughter's non-E2 brownines she brought in for the holidays so I need more chocolate!

Judee @ gluten free A-Z blpg

very impressive.. love all the healthy ingredients.. I'm going to make these as a healthy snack for my grand kids.. thanks for sharing and happy new year..

Cherie Dover Perkins

Just made this. I like that it is firm and dry which has been a bit of a problem with most bean brownies (I made mine with red kidney beans). I think the banana is a bit overpowering and I might try it next time with just 1 banana and more beans. It is tasty - my husband will be pleased.

Rosemary Evergreen

Made these today. Texture was perfect but I also think the banana was too strong a flavor. Next time will try with a dried fruit paste instead, from dates, figs, or apricots. The sweet potato is a good idea, too. I lined a muffin pan with paper liners and baked at 375 for about 20 minutes. Made 12.

The Healthy Librarian

@Rosemary & @Cherie: I agree that the banana taste does come through a little--I like it--but, I can understand if you'd prefer changing it up. Bet, dates would work--or as you both suggest a dried fruit combo paste--or less banana, a less ripe banana. We'll figure this out, right? The texture is perfect--and the pan of brownies didn't stick around for more than 2 days at my house.

@Kim: thanks for that super-quick meal suggestion. Sounds like a winner.


I prepared this recipe today and after 55 minutes of baking, the center still was not done, although it did seem to set well after they were cooled in the fridge. I wondered if perhaps you forgot to include a leavening agent like baking powder or baking soda? I noticed that your Black Bean Chocolate Chia Brownie Recipe does contain baking powder.

After preparing this recipe, I looked up several other black bean brownie recipes on-line, and this one seems far superior to all the others because it doesn't require eggs or oil.

(L-O-V-E your site and Facebook posts!)

Healthy Librarian

@Debra, Sorry to hear that your brownies took so long to bake--but, I hope you liked their taste. There is NO leavening agent in this one--like in others--& no egg substitute either. My oven is very accurate--so I'm no sure if maybe that's the issue for you. I used smaller to medium bananas--& that would have made a difference if you had larger one. Also--it took 1/2 CUP of unsweetened cocoa, which is a lot + the 1/2 cup of oat flour (or rolled oats ground into flour). My batter was very think--almost spreadable.

Rosemary Evergreen

I made these subbing roasted winter squash for the banana and dates for the sweetener. I think the flavor is much better this way. I used about 2/3 c mashed squash and 1/2 c packed dates, measured before any chopping. I might add a few more dates next time.

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