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« Brownies for Breakfast? Yes, If They're Kathy Hester's Fabulous Mexican Chocolate (Black Bean) Brownies & It's New Year's Day! | Main | Alton Brown's Best Winter Vegetable Soup - "Enlightened & Enriched" by the Healthy Librarian »

January 03, 2013



I have a breakfast recipe with greens. I love Heidi Swanson's curried tofu scramble with spinach from her cookbook Super Natural Cooking. It's easy and delicious. I'm not seeing this recipe on her blog-- but I see it's posted on another blog


Also, happy belated birthday!

Marilou Garon

My thoughts exactly regarding the tofu scramble with spinach! Wrapped inside a tortilla, it's a superb breakfast burrito. Like you write in your post, miso soup for breakfast - with added spinach and baby bok choy - is another comforting option though I admit that for me, it requires a greater "psychological" effort than a tofu scramble! It's crazy how our habits are ingrained, no? Soup for breakfast is still a hard one... Heidi Swanson has a delicious spinach "quiche" recipe on her website that is excellent eaten cold, for breakfast. It can also be made simply without the crust for no-oil:

I'll try the oatmeal on myself AND on my five-year old and report back! So many thanks for your superb blog and for all the time you put in it. All the best to you and your family in 2013.


I am sure THL's recipe is better than mine, but for those of you who want the quickie, single serving version:

[Amounts are guestimated; I don't actually measure]
The night before toss in a microwave-safe breakfast bowl:
1. about 10 grinds of pepper
2. 1 tsp or so of chili powder
3. 10 or so drops of hot pepper sauce of choice
4. A small handful of organic dried tomatoes (tomatoes are on dirty dozen list)
5. A handful of dried mushrooms crumbled (I get them from the Chinese market. A 3 oz bag is $5.00 and mushrooms are on the "clean 15" list
6. 1/2 cup steal cut oats
7. 1 cup water
8. cover with a sandwich plate and zap for 3 minutes, brush your teeth, and hit the sack leaving cereal in microwave

Next morning add to bowl:
1. 1 cup non-dairy milk of choice
2. zap for 3 minutes
3. add a tablespoon or so of chia seeds and 1 tablespoon or so of nutritional yeast
4. stir in organic greens of choice (baby arugula or kale are good choices to rotate with spinach and all are on dirty dozen list)
5. Bon [z]apatite!


PS: I stir in fresh greens, not cooked...


I just made this (or a variation, with what I had on hand) -- and added some dried raisins/cranberries with the oats at the end, and topped the whole thing with plain yogurt -- SO delicious! thanks so much for the recipe and the whole post!


Thank you for this recipe. I made it this morning- used soy milk, fresh mushrooms and grape tomatoes since didn't have dried, and tofu instead of nutritional yeast, will try it with yeast next time. I also added a chopped clove of garlic during the simmering stage, then added kale, mustard greens and water cress at the end, and sprinkled on some of Emeril's "Bayou Blast" seasoning mix as I'm not a chipotle fan. Definitely a keeper!

That overnight single serving recipe looks handy too.


Happy New Year and Happy Birthday! This is very similar to what I eat for breakfast, which is a slightly-altered version of Spinach Kitcheri, made with overcooked rice, spinach, onion, garlic, ginger, fennel, cumin, turmeric, and garam masala. The overcooked rice makes it easy on the stomach and the garlic, ginger, and fennel are good for digestion. I especially like to eat it if I've overindulged the day before and I want to give my system a break. I like this type of dish because you can substitute what you like or what you have on hand in the pantry.

The Healthy Librarian

@Susan: Thanks for the link to Heidi Swanson's Tofu Scramble--it sounds so delicious--& nice & spicy. & thanks for the B-day greeting, too!

@Marilou: Ditto re Heidi's scramble in a tortilla. Yum! That spinach quiche looks & sounds fabulous--wonder how to but together the crust w/o oil. Do you think it's possible? Thanks for passing that link on, too!

@Eselpee--your recipe sounds pretty close to mine. Love, your "overnight" cooking method---pretty cool. I'll have to try it. THanks for passing it on.

@Maryjo--so interesting that you added some raisins or cranberries to the savory spicy oatmeal--but, I do "get it". Out of the box--but, I bet it works. A taste explosion!

@Ella: See, this recipe is very versatile. Bet you'll like the nutritional yeast--I used to turn my nose up, but now I'm a fan.

@Veronica: Ooh, rice with all my favorite (really) spices & spinach is another possibility I never considered. Thanks for sharing your version of another savory breakfast possibility!


Okay I know this is crazy but I was just thinking I need to come up with some more non-sweet breakfast foods that aren't a green smoothie. Hilarious! Great timing!
I will definitely try these and report.
One time in a pinch I added black beans and salsa to my oats. I thought--I eat this all the time with rice, why not with oats?
Believe it or not--it was really tasty even in the morning. The above comments have me thinking about making the oats really thick, stirring in black beans, salsa, some greens and wrapping in a tortilla for a portable breakfast.

Deb Richter

Made your mushroom fettuccine last night (YUM), planning to make your brownies this afternoon and everything is ready to go for your cheesy oats tomorrow a.m.!!!! Thank you, thank you!....I tried the Christmas Tree Salad from Healthy Happy Life blog on Christmas Eve subbing walnuts for pecans and using sliced starfruit for the topper. Everyone loved it and the dressing is awesome. The salad can be dressed, tossed way ahead of time so it's a great pot luck dish...Check it out!


I have to say that this has become my new favorite breakfast. I will make enough on Sundays to last through the workweek. I have to admit, I was a little leery and tried it only after recommendation from my sister, but have enjoyed it after trying it.
Thanks for all of your recipes and posts. I thoroughly enjoy the material you post! I have found myself, slipping some of the info I get from you, into my patient teaching (I am a nurse practitioner). Now, I am off to make the EL burgers and cajun kale soup for the week.

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