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February 02, 2013



I can't find the light-firm tofu around here...I have been looking for years :-( I know you say not to use the mori-nu, but do you think it would work in a pinch? That is all I have! Either that or just regular (not low fat) tofu...

Healthy Librarian

@Courtney: Yes, Mori-Nu will work for this recipe. Buy the firm. You do need 14 ounces--so buy 2 boxes & use the rest for a salad dressing or a chocolate mousse.


Just curious why only NaSoyA and not Mori Nu tofu. Mori Nu is much easier to find where I live, and I can only buy the organic product. I love this cookbook and enjoy seeing your enlightened versions -- and I love your postings!!!

Healthy Librarian

@Patt: for this Mori-Nu is fine. I just like the texture of NaSoyA better--I you can more easily bake & grill it--which isn't so successful with Mori-Nu.

Betty A.

I've made this super recipe several times--the fresh basil is essential as you mentioned. I now leave out the extra middle layer of lasagna noodles and the 24 oz of marinara sauce is enough for the recipe; and the last time I made it I chopped the mushrooms and like them better that way.

Betty A.

PS: last night a friend brought Chloe's "Thyme for Creamy Scalloped Potatoes" (pg 89) to a potluck and they were just delicious! Made with a cashew cream (if you don't object to nuts) but otherwise no oil.


Thank you so much--MoriNu it is. I still wish I could find the NaSoyA!


looks great, but Did you give the oven temperature?


Made this for dinner! It was fabulous! The best Vegan lasagna I've tried so far and it was quick and easy to make. A hit with All!

wendy (healthy girl's kitchen)

Hi Deb! I miss you. Making a rif on this tonight for Shabbat dinner. Maybe gonna add in layers of eggplant and zucchini. Whatever looks good today at Trader Joe's. I'm so looking forward to the experience!

Amy Forsberg

I made this today and it is WONDERFUL! I did make one 'naughty' addition: I chopped up a couple links of Field Roast Italian sausage and put it in with the mushroom marinara sauce. Yum. :-)

Kelly Binkoski

Just made this for the first time....Absolutely fabulous!!! Definitely our new favorite plant based lasagna!

Alex & Henri

We made this and it was delicious! Thank you!

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