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March 14, 2013



Thank you, thank you.

I don't know if you realize the impact you have. I stumbled across your blog more than 2 years ago. My doctor had given me 3 months to lower my cholesterol levels before she prescribed statins, and I was searching for information. Went plant-based. Embraced an active lifestyle (I have a new career as a fitness instructor). At 55 I weigh what I did as a teenager. Astonished my doctor. No meds for me!

I am in awe of your awesomeness.

Healthy Librarian

@Susan: WOW is all I can say to that comment!! Honestly, I don't take credit for ANYTHING. I just share info--the hard work is changing one's lifestyle. I'm the one who is in awe of your story. You have to tell me more. Congrats & kudos to you!! What a story. Thanks for sharing it, Susan. Debby


You had me weeping at my desk. Thank you so much for this!

Carole Hwang

Thank you SO MUCH for this one! The 'last 10 years' piece puts so eloquently what my husband and I hope to achieve. I know you don't take credit for anything, but we're giving it to you anyway :-)

Carol S

Deirdre is sooo right about going to the funeral. When my dad died, it was such a comfort to be with all those other people who felt that he was important to them too. Just being there says so much to those who are grieving.


I've shared this with several friends and we all agree that this is very powerful and the tears flowed! Good cry.


In the Jewish tradition the greatest act of chesed (loving-kindness) is to tend to the dead because it is an act that can't be repaid. I believe this specifically refers to preparation of the body and to the concrete act of burying the body - but I think it can be extended to paying respect to the dead by attending their funeral. So too it is a mitzvah to comfort the bereaved. I suppose if there is a question about whether you should attend and you are able, it seems we should just won't regret it.

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