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January 02, 2014


Chris O'Keefe

I have a lifetime history of ulcerative colitis, doing very well with it, but the one food group I just cannot eat are seeds and nuts! Nuts! Anyway, just wondering what the multivitamin you mentioned is that provides E from rice. I'd like to try it! I'll also try to work more greens into my diet!

And any other suggestions of non-nut sources are welcome!

Thanks! Chris

The Healthy Librarian

Chris, I take (not regular at all) MegaFood Women Over 40 One Daily, made from whole food. Consumerlab said it did not dissolve as fast as it should based on it's testing--took 40 minutes, instead of 30. I now put it in my little coffee grinder & mix it into a smoothie. Could you eat nuts or seeds in the "Butter" format, as in sunflower seed butter, or almond butter, or tahini? Would that not be irritating? I wrote the company about this & here's what they replied:

Hello Debbie,

Thank you for taking the time to contact us!

The nutrients in MegaFood products are delivered through a variety of whole foods meant to be assimilated in the digestive tract just as food would be. Our products are not meant to dissolve in water as fast as say a Flintstone vitamin would, just as you wouldn't expect to see broccoli dissolve in water.

We truly appreciate Consumer Labs commitment to consumer safety, but because our products consist of complex food nutrients the USP test that they used simply does not apply to our products.

I hope you find this information helpful. Please feel free to reach out with additional questions.


Customer Inquiries

Chris O'Keefe

That is useful information, and thanks for going the extra mile and getting details about the vitamins!!

I appreciate it, and am going to give tahini a shot!

Thanks again!!


I thought this recipe looked good(Nut and Seed energy balls). It is from Nava Atlas's Veg Kitchen FB page. After reading this post I made a batch for the first time. They are sitting in my refrigerator. Haven't tried one yet, but I think I will like them. I ground up the sesame seeds and also added ground flax. I feel like if I don't grind them up I will wind up swallowing them whole.


Here is the link that I forgot to include in my post about the Nut and Seed Energy Balls -

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