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Tastes like banana bread!
Enjoy for breakfast, as a snack, or even for dessert.
Serves: 4
- 1 cup of steel-cut oats
- 4-5 large pitted plump Medjool dates, cut up fine (use less if you want this to be less sweet)
- 1 small handful of raisins, optional
- 1 large, ripe banana, completely mushed up
- 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
- 1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla
- 3 cups of enriched soymilk (or non-dairy milk of your choice)
- chopped walnuts for sprinkling on top, when serving
1. Mix all the ingredients in a medium sauce pan & cook on medium heat until it starts to boil. Lower the heat, & simmer, until all the liquid is absorbed, or the way you like your oatmeal. Watch carefully. Can take about 20 minutes.
2. Option: If you don't mind cleaning your blender, you can first blend the milk, banana, dates, & seasonings until smooth. Add to the oatmeal & raisins.